You are viewing the results for Meny Januarcup Tønsberg 2019. View the current results for Meny Januarcup Tønsberg 2020 here.

Lillestrøm G11 (f 2008) 7er 1 LSK Gul 1


  Nbr Time Arena Home team Result  Away team    
13010310 Sun 13/01 13:10 Sun 13/01 Fix Arena 3 Lillestrøm 1 LSK Gul 1 Nesjar IF    
13010213 Sun 13/01 14:25 Sun 13/01 Fix Arena 2 Jutul, IL 1 Lillestrøm 1 LSK Gul 1    
13010114 Sun 13/01 15:15 Sun 13/01 Fix Arena 1 Tjøme IL Lillestrøm 1 LSK Gul 1    

Group F

  Team #
Jutul, IL 1 0
Lillestrøm 1 LSK Gul 1 0
Nesjar IF 0
Tjøme IL 0
# = Games Played